Google Maps Is Fine, but Wouldn’t You Rather Save Time?

3 min readMar 29, 2022

For a salesperson, Google Maps was a godsend! No longer did you have to remember key landmarks all-around a city in order to remember where your client’s office was, no longer did you have to hope and pray that the taxi driver knew where “Sagarghatta” was. With Google Maps, all you had to do was type in the address, and wham! You’d have a route to the doorstep of your client’s office. However, the human mind always wants more, doesn’t it?

The next step

One of the major problems for any salesperson is the fact that Google Maps is not synced with their visit planning software, meaning that while you may have 6 visits scheduled for a day, you’ll still have to add them all manually in Google Maps to plot your route for the day and while it seems tremendously ungrateful (cue one of the senior sales employees narrating how in his/her time, WHEN THERE WAS NO GOOGLE MAPS, they’d have to use a vastly more superior device, their brain), it is a legitimate inconvenience! Given the problem, however, FieldSense has the solution: Turn-By-Turn Navigation! All you have to do is open the app, and you’ll find an automatically calculated route that shows you the fastest way to reach all your scheduled visit locations!

The step beyond the next step

What if you could take Turn-By-Turn Navigation and add to it the ability to track expenses, mark attendance and submit visit outcomes all of which is updated in real-time and is visible in a convenient and insightful dashboard? If you just said, “Bah, Humbug” while reading the previous sentence, let me introduce you to FIELDSENSE! It actually gives you the power to not only track your employees on the field but also gives you the power to see where they stopped en route, when they actually reached the client’s office when they left the office, the expenses they incurred for the whole visit, and, to top it all, FieldSense also marks your employee’s attendance as well!

Best Practices

The best practice right now would be to go and instantly sign up for FieldSense! I mean, why wouldn’t you want to experience ground-breaking and revenue-boosting sales force automation for literally no price (that’s right, FieldSense is free for 25 users, FOREVER!)? However, post signing up (instantly, like right now!) it’s important to remember to add your entire customer list to the FieldSense database during the signup process as this will allow you to schedule visits for your employees in advance! Furthermore, encouraging your employees to always check in to and check-out of visits helps tremendously (here’s why).

In Conclusion

Turn-By-Turn Navigation is one small benefit of a vast platform that is FieldSense! It really helps you optimise your sales operations so that you can see and document your team’s activities. Why don’t you give it a try and see for yourself?

